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Dale Ruth Scholarship Information
Apply for the Dale Ruth Scholarship - Deadline to Apply is November 1st each year
Scholarship Criteria
  • Member sod farm owner's child with five (5) years of active membership

  • Program must take place in a campus setting

  • Must be a full-time student

  • At least a B or 3.0 (on 4.0) average

  • Program must be for associates or greater degree

  • Applicants are not eligible until beginning second (2nd) year of study

  • Scholarship expected to be $500 per applicant

  • All applications will be reviewed by the Scholarship Committee/Board of MSGA, which will have final decision-making authority.

Guidelines for the administration of the Dale Ruth Scholarship & Research Fund
  • If the number of applicants is greater than the donation, the association will fund the difference out of the general fund. 

  • Deadline for scholarship applications is the Winter Freeze-Up Meeting (every December).

  • The intention of the Fund is to provide scholarships to the children of Member Sod Farm Owners.  If there are no eligible candidates for any year, the committee - at its discretion - is requested to retain the principal until it reaches approximately $10,000.  

  • When the principal surpasses $10,000 any amounts over the $10,000 guideline should then be considered for other beneficial uses (i.e. research or other activities that the Board may deem appropriate).

  • The principal should be invested in a safe investment vehicle that will maximize returns while incurring minimal risk (i.e. a money market fund or bank CD).

  • All applications should be mailed to the MSGA business office (or submitted via website form), which will then distribute a copy of all applications to the Scholarship Committee.  The recommendations of the committee will then be presented to the Board for application approval.

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